GE HID Burner product range:
• GE HID Burner Bi-Xenon G3 2.8" Projector Lens Light + Angel Eyes
• GE HID Burner Bi-Xenon G3 2.8" Projector Lens Light + Angel Eyes & 7 Colors Background
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Product Features:
- ALL IN ONE SOLUTION PLUG & PLAY PROJECTOR LENS, dapat dipasang langsung pada lubang lampu tanpa merusak reflector lampu standard sehingga bisa kembali ke kondisi original.
- Lampu dekat dan jauh menggunakan GE HID Bi-Xenon Bulb (Hi/Lo - Magnet) High Quality yg menghasilkan 3200 Luminous yg lebih terang dari HID Bulb biasa (note: normal bulb hid antara 2800-3000 LM)
- G3 2.8" Projector Lens yg bermanfaat agar sorot lampu fokus shg cahaya tidak menyebar dan dilengkapi RHD cut off line yg dipesan khusus u/ jalan Indonesia shg menyilaukan pengendara yg berlawanan arah.
- Angel Eyes tersambung dg lampu senja
- 7 Colors Background yg dapat diubah dg switch control (*optional)
• GE HID Burner Bi-Xenon G3 2.8" Projector Lens Light + Angel Eyes
• GE HID Burner Bi-Xenon G3 2.8" Projector Lens Light + Angel Eyes & 7 Colors Background
• GE HID Burner Bi-Xenon G4 2.8" Projector dg 7 warna angel eyes
• GE HID Burner Bi-Xenon G4 2.8" Projector dg 7 warna angel eyes + 7 warna Background
Foto-foto mobil terpasang .. CLICK
Product Features:
- ALL IN ONE SOLUTION PLUG & PLAY PROJECTOR LENS, dapat dipasang langsung pada lubang lampu tanpa merusak reflector lampu standard sehingga bisa kembali ke kondisi original.
- Lampu dekat dan jauh menggunakan GE HID Bi-Xenon Bulb (Hi/Lo - Magnet) High Quality yg menghasilkan 3200 Luminous yg lebih terang dari HID Bulb biasa (note: normal bulb hid antara 2800-3000 LM)
- G3 2.8" Projector Lens yg bermanfaat agar sorot lampu fokus shg cahaya tidak menyebar dan dilengkapi RHD cut off line yg dipesan khusus u/ jalan Indonesia shg menyilaukan pengendara yg berlawanan arah.
- Angel Eyes tersambung dg lampu senja
- 7 Colors Background yg dapat diubah dg switch control (*optional)
Detail spesification as follow:
Super Slim, built-in PWM ,DSP chip, Constant power.
Int'l design standards, IR Driver IC
Cold Boot Current < 4.5A,
Imput Voltage : 6-17V
defect rate below 1%
[Chris ~ Monza Autosport]
Harga Donk PM ke email Ku shisuafura@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteEmail segera dikirim, thx.
ReplyDeleteder Logout
ReplyDeletei wont untuk memiliki HID Bi-xenon Projector Lens untuk dapat (ls trailblezar chevy 2003) mobil
dan jika Anda memiliki hedlight hedlight Eche complet Withe memiliki 2 lenss untuk satu rendah dan satu hi
Withe mungkin best regards untuk Anda
Talal altamimi
Dear Mr. Talal,
ReplyDeleteWe do not understand your request, may be better you use english to minimize mis-communication, thx.
salam monza.
ReplyDeletesaya mau menanyakan hid yang bagus,merk apa y?grnsi brpa thun,baalst n lampunya gmana?
untuk grand livina hid xenon+angel eyes+7colour?apakah ada yang motorized n self leveling?pm hrgnya..
dan kalau sekalian tambah hid +angel eye foglamp brp,pm y?
ReplyDeleteU/ memastikan mendapat produk HID yg bagus, pertimbangkan HID tersebut menggunakan bulb yg berkualitas, lebih terjamin bila bulb HIDnya dari branded yg dikenal.
Sekarang sudah ada produk MAX-HID yang menggunakan bulb Philips dan GE (General Electric), berkualitas tinggi dan sudah termasuk ballast slim, tapi harganya sgt bersahabat (setara harga HID bulb China non branded), boleh dipertimbangkan u/ menemani anda berkendara malam.
Produk GE HID Burner Bixenon magnet, bukan motorized dan tidak ada feature self leveling.
Untuk detail harga2 HID silakan tlp ke 021-68836360. Thx.
harganya brp an boss? kalo penjelasan detail mengenai HID bisa dikasih tau perbedaan spec seperti H1 dll, saya masih awam.
ReplyDeleteLalu HID ini termasuk lampu dekat dan jauh? kalo utk merk branded yg recommend apa aja yg budget friendly
H1, H4, H11, H7 ..adalah jenis2 bentuk lampu dan kakinya.
ReplyDeleteLampu HID adalah pengganti lampu standard bisa diaplikasikan u/ lampu dekat dan jauh.
u/ merk yg baik mengunakan bulb branded silakan lihat ke www.max-hid.com
hrgany brpaan bro yg GE HID Burner Bi-Xenon 2.5" Projector Lens+Angel Eyes,am yg mke 7wrna jg brapaan mas bro??
ReplyDeletesent email ya run_d_yuda@yahoo.co.id
email sent.. :)
DeleteNice blog. There are also many colors to choose from. Thanks for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your interest in this blog :)
Deletehey there mr.monza , how much i must prepared budget if i wanna that GE HID Burner [HID Conversion Kit & HID Bi-XENON PROJECTOR + ANGEL EYES for my car , my car is ford fiesta just like your video on youtube , thanks before i hope your respon as soon as posible sent to my email about the budget (adhiharja@yahoo.com) , thanks before ,
email sent.. pls check
DeleteBos Monza, saya dapat info projector lamp+angle eyes nya dari temen yang sudah pernah beli dan pasang di monza nih.
ReplyDeleteBoleh tolong email harganya ke aristo_cbr@hotmail.com?
-Harga Projector+angel eyes
-Harga fog lamp
email sent... pls check
Deletepagi gan..
ReplyDeletehid angel eyes + led drl untuk all new kia rio berapaan ya gan?
apakah tidak buat meleleh dudukan lampu krn panas?
sent via email ke pln.andie@gmail.com
tks before
ok... email sent... pls check
DeleteDear Monza Team,
ReplyDeletetolong emailkan harga "GE HID Burner Bi-Xenon G4 2.8" Projector dg 7 warna angel eyes + 7 warna Background" untuk ERTIGA dan update list kaca film yg ada di sana ke email ardisetyadi@gmail.com
Email sent bos.... thanks
Deletebro, mohon info, projector angel eyes nya buat chevrolet spin bisa gak? pm donk ke eric.sriwi@gmail.com. thanks
Deletewah bisa ga yah All New Grand Livina dibuat angel eyes??
ReplyDeleteboleh dikirimkan harganya bos.. sekalian pic kalo udah ada yang masang sebelumnya...
email: athmastudio@hotmail.com
New G. Livina pakai H4, bisa diaplikasikan.
DeleteEmail sent. thx.
Harga nett berapa gan?
ReplyDeleteinclude pemasangan+projie+hid?
untuk city 07
angel eyes nya yang biasa aja
tanpa 7 colour
balas via email
Honda City 2007 pakai H4, bisa diaplikasikan.
DeleteEmail sent. thx.
ReplyDeleteI would like to know a price on these lights, whether they are legal (in britain), how easy they are to fit and do they replace the original headlights?
please email me at jwlogan95@gmail.com
Dear Jack,
DeleteThis product include Xenon HID 5100 Kelvin.
You should check how many Kelvin are legal in Britain.
This Projector and angle eyes are plug and play, it doesn't replace your original headlights but it need assembly into your original headlight. You need to open your front plastic/glass of headlight in order to assembly this projector into the headlight.
ReplyDeleteI'm interested in the projector and angle eyes for the fiesta mk7 but I'm in the UK and didnt know if you would post it to here?
Please email me on ca.cobb@yahoo.co.uk as im very interested in this!
Thanks Chris
Hi there,
DeleteYes we can send it via EMS/DHL but you need to pay before delivery including shipping cost.
email sent, pls check. thx.
Harga untuk projector hid tanpa 7color berapa pak monza ?
ReplyDeleteUntuk mbl nissan juke ...
Email : lieferriwijaya@gmail.com
Apakah hari sabtu dan minggu buka ?
ok.. cek email ya
Deletejam operasional senin-sabtu : jam 9-17
hari minggu/tgl merah tutup.
Buat Grand Livina 2012 projector hid tanpa atau dengan 7color plus foglamp nya price berapa ya ?
ReplyDeleteEmail: rizkialif@yahoo.co.id
Email sent.. pls check, thx.
DeleteI have a 2014 model Ford Fiesta (Platinum in case it matters). How much would both headlights cost? Also, if you have a picture/video of a fiesta with your product it would be awesome. Just curious if it would be possible to connect it to iphone/sync. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHi OvidiuC,
DeleteThe video on YouTube is Fiesta 2011-2012, and it able to be applied to New Fiesta 2013-2014.
It have standalone switch control for angel eyes and back ground cotrol, which not possible to connect to sync.
For headlight switch still using standard Fiesta switch
Mr.Monza, saya pengen banget pake Hid bi xenon + angel eyesnya..apakah bisa untuk mobil Ford Ecosport..harga berapa yah?
ReplyDeletemohon di emailkan ke delithsyahtengku@gmail.com...terima kasih
harganya berapa ya?
ReplyDeletetolong email ke anggawahyudi@gmail.com
terima kasih
Email sent .. thx.
DeleteHi monza, what is the price for • GE HID Burner Bi-Xenon G4 2.8" Projector dg 7 warna angel eyes + 7 warna Background and • GE HID Burner Bi-Xenon G3 2.8" Projector dg 7 warna angel eyes + 7 warna Background and what is the different? I want to install it to my fiesta 2011-2012. Please balas to my email masterz86@yahoo.com
Your email has been replied, thx.
Deleteboleh minta price list nya untuk projector and hid nya? for ford fiesta
ReplyDeleteuntuk pertanyaan harga silakan kirim email ke monza.autosport@gmail.com, thx.
DeleteHow much to get these fitted to a MK7 Fiesta ST?
Email sent
Deletebisa minta pricelistnya? please email ke ardian_denny@yahoo.com.
Email sent
DeleteBerapa harganya untuk hyundai i20 please email ke dennyardian88@gmail.com
email sudah di kirim, silakan cek ardian_denny@yahoo.com, thanks.
DeleteHi monza, I sent you an email (joemamo02@hotmail.com) asking about price. My car is exactly like the video and I really want these !! Please I also need shipping to malta - Europe.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your help !
Email replied, thanks
Deleteuntuk hyundai trajet berapa harganya?tolong di email ke imam_arch99@yahoo.com trims
ReplyDeleteemail sent .. thanks
DeleteMinta price HID burner projector + angel eyes plug n play, untuk ford fiesta 2011 dong gan..
Email sent.. thanks.
DeleteGan minta price list projector sekalian sama ongkos pasang ke pregadery@gmail.com..ini di bsd ada kan y?
ReplyDeleteProduk projector lagi out of stock bos .. belum masuk lagi berkenaan dengan kurs USD yg tinggi
DeleteDear Monza Team,
ReplyDeleteberapa harga untuk projector untuk ertiga.
Email sent
DeleteDear Monza
ReplyDeleteBisa minta price list bohlam hid yang paling cocok untuk mitsubishi kuda gen 1 model kaki H4 yang plug and play.
Bisa dikirim ke
Dear Monza
ReplyDeleteBisa tolong dikirimkan pricelist bohlam hid yang cocok untuk mitsubishi kuda gen1. Dapat dikirimkan ke email
om berapa harga pasang projie nyaa email donk bang ke wibiresonance@gmail.com